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At The Hub, we believe that enjoying water activities is a cornerstone of a fun, active lifestyle. Whether you’re taking a dip in our pool, participating in aquatic fitness classes, or just splashing around with the kids, water safety is paramount. Here’s a quick guide to ensure everyone stays safe while having a blast.

  1. Supervise, Supervise, Supervise!
    The number one rule of water safety is supervision. Never leave children unattended around water, even for a moment. Designate a responsible adult to keep an eye on the swimmers, and remember, a distracted supervisor is not an effective one.
  2. Swim Lessons are a Must
    We offer a range of swim classes for all ages and skill levels. Enrolling your family in swimming lessons can provide valuable skills and confidence in the water. It’s never too early or too late to learn.
  3. Use the Right Gear
    Proper swimwear, life jackets, and other safety equipment are essential. Ensure that any flotation devices are Coast Guard approved and fit properly. Remember, they are aids, not substitutes for supervision.
  4. Know the Pool Rules
    Every facility has its own set of pool rules. Familiarize yourself with them to avoid accidents. Common rules include no running, no diving in shallow areas, and showering before entering the pool to maintain cleanliness.
  5. Understand Water Safety Signals
    In case of an emergency, knowing how to react quickly is crucial. Teach your family the basics of water safety signals, like the importance of staying calm and the steps to take if someone needs help.
  6. Hydrate and Rest
    Even while swimming, it’s important to stay hydrated. Take breaks, drink water, and avoid swimming immediately after eating.

At The Hub, your safety and enjoyment are our top priorities. By following these tips, you can ensure that your family’s time in the water is as safe as it is fun. Dive in and enjoy the waves with peace of mind!

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