Have you ever wondered why you feel better or more energize after a good workout? Our bodies release neurochemicals called endorphins when we are active. When we are involved in activity, especially during a workout, our central nervous system coordinates the activity of all the body parts needed to create the movement. Endorphins then act […]
If you are one of those people who has a super busy schedule and limited time at the gym, learning how to increase your resting metabolism will be a game changer! In this blog and in our HUB podcast, you will learn how you can lose body fat without majorly restricting your caloric intake and […]
If you’ve always been interested in scuba diving, but want to give it a try first, we have the event for you. Learn more about what to expect when you give scuba diving a try at The HUB Recreation Center! What to Expect When Learning to Scuba Dive It’s not overstating to say that scuba […]
Have you ever heard someone say “I can eat that, I’m going to workout later”? Let’s rethink that statement. Is it fair to your body to eat whatever you want because you are an active person? In this blog and in our upcoming HUB Podcast, we will talk about how what we put in our […]