Fit Woman Floating in Squat Position in the Air

Three Secrets to Motivation

THREE SIMPLE SECRETS FOR FORMING YOUR FITNESS HABIT Sarah Shortt It’s that time of year: you’ve made the resolutions, booked the gym sessions and … life is getting in the way. Here’s the proven formula for beating those procrastination blues. When it comes to exercise there are two extremes: those who know they SHOULD be […]


How to Make and Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

1. Make a resolution that’s both doable and meaningful to YOU. Use the acronym SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. It helps to create an “event” or date, such as a much-needed annual doctor’s appointment, a vacation (think swimsuits), a race (like our upcoming indoor triathlon), your baby’s first birthday, etc. 2. After you set […]

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