How Working Out Boosts Your Mood

Have you ever wondered why you feel better or more energize after a good workout? Our bodies release neurochemicals called endorphins when we are active. When we are involved in activity, especially during a workout, our central nervous system coordinates the activity of all the body parts needed to create the movement. Endorphins then act […]

Free Weights at The HUB Recreation Center in Marion Illinois

Tips to Help Increase Your Metabolism

If you are one of those people who has a super busy schedule and limited time at the gym, learning how to increase your resting metabolism will be a game changer! In this blog and in our HUB podcast, you will learn how you can lose body fat without majorly restricting your caloric intake and […]


3 Ways to Nail Your Fitness

Author: Isabel Fenwick Research says your commitment to exercise is all about satisfaction. You can prevent exercise from being the one that got away by knowing what does (and doesn’t) do it for you. The level of satisfaction you feel when you do something is what’s going to keep you doing it. Exercise is no […]


Friendly Gym Etiquette Reminder

With temperatures rising and flowers blooming, we all can feel Spring is in the air. As you start your spring cleaning for your bodies, our HUB Personal Training Department wants to remind you of some simple gym etiquette to keep in mind as we work our muscles into summer readiness. Sharing is caring. With hundreds […]

Fit Woman Floating in Squat Position in the Air

Three Secrets to Motivation

THREE SIMPLE SECRETS FOR FORMING YOUR FITNESS HABIT Sarah Shortt It’s that time of year: you’ve made the resolutions, booked the gym sessions and … life is getting in the way. Here’s the proven formula for beating those procrastination blues. When it comes to exercise there are two extremes: those who know they SHOULD be […]


How to Make and Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

1. Make a resolution that’s both doable and meaningful to YOU. Use the acronym SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. It helps to create an “event” or date, such as a much-needed annual doctor’s appointment, a vacation (think swimsuits), a race (like our upcoming indoor triathlon), your baby’s first birthday, etc. 2. After you set […]

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